Friday, November 04, 2005

Media Already Seeking to Weaken Alito Support

USA Today and AP, those unbiased, reliable news sources (wink) have already started trying to derail Bush's latest nominee, Samuel Alito. Now, imagine with me, if you will, that Bush had nominated a liberal judge we'll call Pinko. Let's further suppose that the numbers gleaned from this poll for Pinko were the same as Alito's. Instead of a headline of "Poll finds public support for Alito lags behind Roberts" it would read "Poll finds public support for Pinko surges ahead of Miers."

In today's article, the AP clearly states that Alito doesn't have the support of Roberts, but is doing better than Miers, or in their vague language, "closer to the level of early backing for the failed nomination of Harriet Miers." It might only be 5% closer to Miers than Roberts, but their vagueness causes the reader to think more along the lines of "nearly the same."

Much of how you look at data is determined by how you would like to look at data, and how you would like to use that data. The liberal media want to use it against Alito and Bush. Too bad I don't have the time or the desire to research how USA Today and AP reported the nomination of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. That would be interesting.

Oh, one more thing. I hope I'm not too Coulterish in saying that it's amazing how easy it is to find a clueless liberal. This article is no exception. A woman from New England is quoted: "I'm worried that he is going to vote against women's rights...If women don't have the right to choose, then they're no longer equal."

Hmmm...equality in the abortion issue would mean that the father would have a 50% say in the fate of the unborn child. The way I see it, currently the man has no CHOICE in the matter. After all it's not HIS BODY, it's HER BODY, and no one can tell her what to do with HER BODY. So, I just cannot make sense of her statement.

If the left really believes in choice, then they should start arguing that the man should have his say on whether not the baby he sired should live or die.

Or they could let all the adopted children in America have a CHOICE in the matter of each of these unwanted children. Life or death?

Or they could ask all the parents of Down's Syndrome children what their CHOICE would be for the unwanted children. Life or death?


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