Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Best Drink

My Grandpa was a huge Mt. Dew fan. In those early years that I'd spend the night with him, he'd come home from the mines, get me out of bed, and we'd go in the kitchen for a midnight snack of Mt. Dew and Pringles. That was back when Mt. Dew came in those cool bottles with the little mountain guy cartoons on them. Mt. Dew has been my beverage of choice ever since.


At 1.2.06, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You know I gotta have my Mountain Dew! I like to think of it as my one mild addiction.

At 1.2.06, Blogger Gordon said...

Dew it to it!

At 14.2.06, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like you thinking of your grandfather each time you Dew the Dew, I too think of my father whenever I drink a Dew or even see a commercial and especially when I see one of the "old" style bottles at an Antique store.


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