What is Your Eschatology?
What is your eschatology position? Have you ever changed your position? What position was taught in the church in which you were raised?
I am unsettled. I am leaning toward Historic Premillialism. I was raised in a church that I don't recall ever emphasized eschatology, so I grew up pretty ignorant on the subject. Once I became a Baptist, I learned the Dispensational Premillinial position, but have since come to have real problems with it.
What about you?
I have real problems with dispensationalism, esp. the older version. The progressives have moved a long way but I still cannot take their position. I am really taken with the Amiilenial position seen, for example in Dennis Johnson. Triumph of the Lamb, comm on Revelation. I sway between that position and historic premill.
I always say, if the 1st century Jews, who knew their scriptures (in terms of data at least) better than we do, still so badly missed the first coming, we could do to be fairly humble about our opinions on the second coming.
You cannot spiritualize the whole Bible. Christ will reign from Jerusalem for a thousand years. He said the meek shall inherit the earth. He comes back and restores what was lost in the fall in the Garden of Eden. He destroys the curse of the devil and the fall of man. Why is this so hard to understand? Heaven and the highest heaven is meant for God but the earth is made for man to dwell. YHVH created the heavens and the earth and it was very good. Tikkun Olam - means the restoration of the world. Yeshua has come to restore all things. He has come to restore our hearts, mind, soul, spirit, and body. The curse on the earth brought about sin and death. The second Adam will restore all things in heaven and earth. He made us wonderfully. The human body today is even miraculous in construction and in precision. It's disabled by the fall and deteriorates rapidly and death ensues. However, Yeshua will restore that too. He is the Master creator and physician. His earthly kingdom will come. He said I come to restore all things. When He made the earth and spoke the world into existence He created a masterpiece and it was created in splendor. He did not make a mistake. The earth will be restored. We cannot imagine the exquisite splendor that was in the beginning. What peace, and what a wonderful balance man and woman had with their creator. What love God had for his creation; and it was very, very good. I see the reason why the Christian wants to be removed far away. Because this is a very crippled, ugly, and evil world we live in. It will get worse as the Lord said it would. But we cannot retreat and escape into doctrines of the rapture and being taken away from the trouble. The Lord wants us to stand up and fight. He said "gird up thy loins like a man". Escapism and retreatism was never in His vocabulary. Why should it be in ours? It is sad when people would rather cower away into a doctrine of escape rather than being a responsible believer and being courageous in their walk with the Lord. Why did the Lord put us on this earth. He said those who are faithful will have an abundant life here and the hereafter; whatever that may be. He is even concerned about our current life believe it or not. He said the very hairs of our head are numbered. The last time I checked that is part of our physical body. He is concerned about our financial condition as He said "And you shall remember the Lord your God, for it is He who gives you power to get wealth, that He may establish His covenant which He swore to your fathers, as it is this day". Believers get so caught up in the future utopia of Heaven that they forget about the earthly world that God has placed us in at this hour. He has put us here now, at this time and place to do His will. Let us not continue to seek the sweet by and by while we are neglecting our duty on earth. The Lord has sworn that He will reign on the earth from Jerusalem. Let us be ready to welcome the King and be ready to serve Him now and then. Blessed is the man who when the Lord is come that he puts on a towel and prepares to serve the Master. He will put him in charge of many things.
Additional Scripture regarding the Kingdom of Jesus on the earth:
The lion will lay down with the lamb.
A child will be able to put his hand in a vipers den.
Someone who dies at 100 will be considered cursed.
The earth will be filled with the knowledge of the Glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.
Is it at this time You are going to restore the Kingdom to Israel? It is not for you to know the times or periods the Father has set by His own authority.
The law will go forth from Zion and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem.
The Jewish nation will be a light to the gentiles and will bring the gospel to the world which will be “life from the dead”.
And many more scriptures which speak of the rebirth and restoration of the earth.
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