Friday, May 05, 2006

Should We Send Out Tongues Speakers?

The pressing question going into this year's SBC is the recent actions of the trustees of the IMB, and their decision to exclude tongues speakers as missionaries of the SBC, which is very interesting in light of the fact that the IMB is led by a man who speaks in tongues.

What do you think? Should the SBC be willing to send out charismatics from our Baptist churches?


At 8.5.06, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Simply put, yes:-)

At 8.5.06, Anonymous Anonymous said...

With all due respect, aren't you misrepresenting Rankin. I think you are making him sound like a Pentecostal. (Nothing against Pentecostals)

I take issue with the new IMB policy. We shouldn't send out missionaries that would teach tongues as a essential part of public worship and a necessary sign of salvation. However, Paul does not rule out what some call a private prayer language.

I saw no biblical reason for the signing of the BFM (although I fully agree with it) and I see the new policy as too restrictive. We will miss our opportunity to send out some good missionaries because of it.

By the way, the visual verification thing does not work in Netscape. I had to switch to IE to post a comment. Am I doing something wrong?

At 9.5.06, Blogger The Zoner said...

Netscape? Get Firefox--it rules!

Speaking in tongues is not necessary for salvation so should it really be an issue? I don't know because I am not Baptist. But it doesn't seem like it should be to me.

At 10.5.06, Blogger Brett said...

No Mark S, I'm not sure why you think I'm misrepresenting him. What did I say to lead you to that conclusion? He is a Baptist has a private prayer language. I'm not sure how that makes him a Pentecostal.

I, too, take issue with the IMB policy. I agree that it is too restrictive.

Sorry about the visual verification thing. I suggest you consider firefox, or if you are a mac guy, safari. Sorry for any inconvenience, but I'm going to keep the visual verification b/c it protects me from hundreds of spams. :-)

At 11.5.06, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry about the accusation. I should have said: In saying he speaks in tongues it could be misinterpreted to mean he speaks in tongues in private in public worship. Sorry about the misunderstanding.

Are the IMB trustees still trying to oust the trustee from OK? I haven't kept up with it?

I fixed the netscape thing.


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