Monday, August 28, 2006

Let's reName the Trinity!

Mark Driscoll is profoundly gifted at making stupid human behavior look as ridiculous as it really is. His latest blog posthighlights the stupidity of the Presbyterian Church USA in their efforts to make the names of the Trinity more politically correct.

In addition to his suggestions for the committee, I recommend the gender neutral names of Pat, Chris, and Kerry. Or how about Chocolate, Strawberry, and Vanilla? Or Marx, Freud, and Friedan? No, that's 2/3rds male! Let me try again. Darwin, Sanger, and Hanoi Jane.

What would you suggest to the committee?


At 31.8.06, Blogger Matthew Westerholm said...

I'm contributing:

Alvin, Simon, and Theodore

Gordie Howe, Wayne Gretsky, Bobby Orr

Location, Location, Location


At 1.9.06, Blogger Brett said...

Love the last one!


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