Friday, May 05, 2006

FREE BOOK... Title My Next Sermon Series

I'm about to start a series through the book of 1 Corinthians. I love Pastor Mark Driscoll's title for his series throught the same book: "Christians Gone Wild". If you could title a series of sermons through this book, what would it be?

Winner gets bragging rights and... a surprise.

Hint: the surprise is a book.

Yes, I'll mail the winner a book.


At 8.5.06, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love the blog. I went through 1 Corinthians with my people last year - a Sunday PM, Wednesday PM study. I loved it.
If I could pick a theme verse for the book it would be 1:10. For a title how about "Come Together." Or, working off the word katartizo (perfectly joined together) - "Spiritual Fit-ness"

At 8.5.06, Blogger Tommy said...

Hmm, good question. The title ideally would come directly from the text. With such a vast subject matter from which to choose, how about "To God Be The Glory" from 10:31 "Whatever you do..."

At 11.5.06, Blogger Aaron Summers said...

The first 9 verses set the tone for the rest of the letter(s). He tells them they are holy(2) by having called upon Jesus. He tells them they have gifts(4) and are enriched(4). He tells them they have every spiritual gift they need (7) He encourages them they can keep strong through Jesus.(8) He has them see God and realize from whence the invitation came...Jesus.

He sets them up for recovery. The rest of the letter(s) deal with how to recover so as to maintain that which he set forth in the openibng lines.

"Corinth: A Church in Recovery"

I believe this could really open some doors for folks with the "hot" word of recovery while also helping those dedicated souls see the need they have for recovery fromt he culture as well.


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