Monday, July 03, 2006

Batman is Better than Superman

No, I haven't seen the movie yet. Yes, I'm sure it's good and I will probably thoroughly enjoy it, but that will not change the fact that I like Batman better than Superman.

With all the Superman hype right now, I want to just remind everyone why Superman will always play second fiddle to Batman. Here are the reasons why:

1. Batman is a real man. Superman is not even from the planet earth. They should rename him "Superalien." I prefer a hero that is one of the good old boys, you know, a homo sapien.

2. Because Batman is a real man, he doesn't have any superpowers, which makes him dependent upon superior physical training and scientific technology.

3. Please explain to me how Superman flies. It's the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. When he does fly, why does he stick his arms straight forward? Why not stick them alongside his body like someone who is free falling does to maximize speed? Where does his freaking speed come from anyway?

4. Remember the scene when the Christopher Reeves' version of Superman is spinning around the earth the opposite direction so fast that he reverses the earth's rotation thereby reversing time? Is that not a candidate for the most preposterous scene in the history of modern film?

5. Batman has a dark side. He is a man in which his behavior and choices are greatly impacted by his inner struggles. It makes for much better drama than "Superalien" and his trying to fit into life on this planet.

6. Batman's mask hiding his true identity is much more reasonable than Clark Kent putting on some dark-rimmed glasses. "Let's see now, how can I hide my identity?... I know! I'll put on a pair of glasses!" Gimme a break!

7. Compare the costumes. I'll grant that the old TV show Batman costume was pretty lame, but let's compare the more recent movie versions. I wouldn't be seen in Superman's suit, but Batman's? Totally cool.

Who do you prefer? Batman or Superman? But be careful of ticking off one of them...


At 3.7.06, Blogger Tommy said...

Batman hands down. And the costume aside, my favorite incarnation is the 60's version. Adam West, Cesar Romero, Frank Gorshipn, Burgess Meredith, Ertha Kitt, what great shows those were - and the puns, the campy dialogue - priceless. Wish I could get the dvds.

At 3.7.06, Blogger Southern Girl said...

If I have to choose between those two, it's definitely Batman. But, when it comes right down to it -- Spidey has 'em both beat. *g*

At 5.7.06, Anonymous Anonymous said...


I laugh in the proverbial face of the title of this blog post. One blast from Superman's left super-nostril -- and Batman would be crying for Alfred to nurse him back to health. Oh, but wait, I forgot -- Batman has a teenaged sidekick (snicker, snicker).

Okay, that was my "I'm-a-superhero-erd" part of this comment. In all seriousness, I did see the new Superman movie, and I must admit -- while I did enjoy it, it wasn't as good as "Batman Begins."

HOWEVER, pound for pound, as a hero, Superman's better.Maybe one day they'll actually make that "Batman vs. Superman" movie -- and then it will be settled. ("Hey Batman, you're gonna fight a guy who can stop bullets. Don't forget your UTILITY BELT -- Ooooooooh!")

I know -- my nerd-status is confirmed.

Carey D

At 5.7.06, Blogger Kiki Cherry said...

Batgirl could beat them all with one hand tied behind her back. : )


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