Friday, July 07, 2006

Food Friday: Nachos it's almost lunch and I decide to check my old friend Carey's Blog and he tells some story about a bird and an injured bunny. He mentions "nachos" and suddenly I'm transported into another world...dreaming of black beans, melted cheese, salsa, sour cream, etc. I immediately realize that I've learned another life lesson, similar to "Never go grocery shopping on an empty stomach." It is this: never read Carey's blog right before lunch.

Here's what I like on my Nachos:
Melted cheddar cheese
Black Beans
Black Olives
Sour Cream
Salsa (on the side)
Hold the Jalopenas, thank you!


At 7.7.06, Anonymous Anonymous said...

When I think of nachos, I think of the barbecue nachos served by the 17th Street Bar and Grill in Murphysboro or Marion, Illinois. Man, oh man!!!

At 7.7.06, Blogger Southern Girl said...

Oh, why'd you have to mention nachos? Now I have a hankerin' for some, but I'm pretty sure they won't fit anywhere in my Weight Watchers points for the day.

At 8.7.06, Blogger Brett said...

Hey GRITS, don't blame me! It's all Carey's fault for including it in his little story!

At 8.7.06, Blogger Brett said...

For those of you who are uninitiated to Southern talk GRITS = Girl Raised in the South.

At 8.7.06, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just had nachos last night in Benton at the Okla-Tex Restaurant. They were tasty! I couldn't believe I ate the whole thing!

At 8.7.06, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nachos, ah, those tasty, Mexican treats that used to be all the rage. Wasn't too long ago that they were a popular order item for teenies and young adults. That seems to have slacked off some now, but they still sell quite well in certain markets.

Do you know how the first nachos were created? I heard that a cook was handing a bowl of chips and salsa to a waiter when he fell and some landed in the chili pot and others in the hot cheese on the stove. Well, you can probably guess the rest. One thing for sure, just talking about them makes me want some!


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