Tuesday, December 20, 2005

I'm Martin Luther by a Hair

According to this quiz, my theology most matches Martin Luther:

You scored as Martin Luther.

The daddy of the Reformation. You are opposed to any Catholic ideas of works-salvation and see the scriptures as being primarily authoritative.

Martin Luther 80%
Jonathan Edwards 80%
Karl Barth 67%
John Calvin 60%
Anselm 47%
Augustine 47%
Friedrich Schleiermacher 47%
Charles Finney 40%
Jorgen Moltmann 27%
Paul Tillich 7%

I was given a tie breaker question to clarify if I was Luther or Edwards.

HT: Matthew Westerholm


At 22.12.05, Blogger Matthew Westerholm said...

My BCS friend!

Now we need a quiz to find out whether you're more like Charlie Weiss, Pete Caroll, or Joe Paterno!

[retro] evangelical

At 22.12.05, Blogger Brett said...

Pete Carroll I hope. He's the youngest and the thinnest! Is thinnest a word?

At 1.1.06, Blogger Leonsaviour said...

Just browsing the web. Great blog - like the quiz!


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