Sunday, January 01, 2006

2006 Weight Loss Competition

Bradley's weigh-in

At our family get-together this New Year's Day, my two brothers-in-law and I decided on a friendly competition. This time next year when we are all together for the Holidays, the person who has lost the most weight percentage-wise will win an agreed upon prize from the two losers (the prize is yet to be decided).

Using Grandmama's scales, here are the official weigh-ins for January 1, 2006:

Anthony - 190.0
Bradley - 198.0
Brett - 190.0

Let the games begin!

Taking recommendations for the prize. What do you think the prize should be?


At 19.1.06, Anonymous Anonymous said...

There is a site called that helped some of my associates in their weight loss competition. I watched how much they enjoyed it because of the online graphs and statistics that helped them rate each other. Anyhow - good luck with the competition.


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