Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Turkey Family Proof of Evolution?

As a casual observer of the evolution vs. intelligent design debate, it amazes me how much inflammatory language is used by the evloutionists. Admittedly, I haven't been a intense follower of these debates, but it seems to me that many proponents of evolution spend more time mocking and ridiculing their opponents, be they intelligent design or creationists, than actually presenting a compelling argument for their side.

Every once in while, though, in the news, we see evolutionists staking a claim for new evidence to support their theory. A family in Turkey is now the subject of a story suggesting that they are evidence supporting man's evolutionary journey to walk upright: "An extraordinary family who walk on all fours are being hailed as the breakthrough discovery which could shed light on the moment Man first stood upright. Scientists believe that the five brothers and sisters found in Turkey could hold unique insights into human evolution." So writes Ben Farmer in the Daily Herald. Here is the whole story.


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